2.1 Agreeing who will be responsible for setting up and maintaining your Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP)

Implementing Better Births: a Resource Pack for Local Maternity Systems sets an expectation that commissioners and providers of NHS maternity services, working together in Local Maternity Systems (LMSs), are jointly responsible for ensuring that every area is covered by a well-functioning MVP. It states that:

“The maternity commissioner is responsible for facilitating and organising any agreed funding, whether provided by the commissioner alone or in conjunction with local providers.”

It’s likely that one lead person will take responsibility for setting up the MVP and acting as the primary link with the service user leadership team (e.g. Chair and Vice-chair). This will need to be included within the post-holders job-plan and job description. If this person is not based in the LMS, it will also be helpful to identify a staff member who will be the LMS link person for your service user leadership team. Where there are multiple MVPs connected to one LMS, there may be one LMS link person responsible for connecting with all the MVPs.