
Annual Report for April 2022 – March 2023

National Maternity Voices Annual General Meeting was held on Monday 27th November 2023.  We thanked Emma Taylor who stepped down as a director after nearly 5 years supporting the development of NMV. 

2022/2023 was a good year for NMV, starting with the launch of the MVP toolkit and ending with a return to face to face conferences. You can read about developments in our annual report for April 2022 – March 2023 here.



Saving Babies Lives 2023: Where We Are

Launch event report by Anne Marie Matarrese, Chair of Derbyshire Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership 

On Monday 15 of May 2023, I attended the launch in parliament of the Saving Babies’ Lives Progress Report, by the Sands and Tommy’s Joint Policy Unit. The event was hosted by Olivia Blake and Cherilyn Mackrory, both MPs who have bravely shared their own stories of loss and work to raise awareness on this issue and drive improvements.

The event was attended by many MPs, as well as the Health Minister Maria Caulfield, representatives from national charities and organisations, as well as the Royal College of Midwives and Donna Ockenden. Many of those who spoke, from MPs to midwives, were bereaved parents themselves, with very different experiences of care. Hearing their stories in this context was a very powerful moment. Continue reading “Saving Babies Lives 2023: Where We Are”

NMV’s thanks key senior leaders moving on from NHS England

Professor Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent, Baroness Julia Cumberlege, and Sir Cyril Chantler are stepping down from their roles in NHS England. National Maternity Voices (NMV) collated messages from Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership (MVP / MNVP) members to send with a token of appreciation for their incredible and long standing contributions to maternity and neonatal improvements and developments in England. Continue reading “NMV’s thanks key senior leaders moving on from NHS England”

2023 Maternity & Neonatal Service User Summit: 16 January 2023

After nearly three years of remote working, it was wonderful to be in a room with dozens of other people interested in how service users can influence maternity and neonatal services.  

Many people had been at the previous MVP unconference in March 2020 but many more had never met national colleagues face to face before.   Continue reading “2023 Maternity & Neonatal Service User Summit: 16 January 2023”

Annual Report for April 2021 – March 2022

National Maternity Voices third Annual General Meeting was held  on Tuesday 22nd November 2022.  We were pleased to welcome Jen Baldry as Chair of Council and Zenab Barry as a Director. Hannah Lynes stepped down as a director and was thanked for nearly 4 years of insight and diligence in support of effective MVPs. The annual report for April 2021 to March 2022 can be found here.  It was agreed that future NMV council meetings will be open to all members, and that the criteria for membership of the CIC will be reviewed at the next council meeting in January.