Co-production, co-creation or co-design as it is sometimes called, is a way of thinking about how our health and care services are designed, delivered and evaluated. It involves working in equal partnership with people who use those services in spaces where power is shared, making services more effective and efficient, and in the long-term more sustainable. Maternity Voices Partnerships (MVPs) are “the best way of instituting service user co-production” in maternity services1.
Below are links to practical tools to enable Local Maternity and Neonatal Systems to co-design maternity care with their service users through MVPs.
NHS South East’s innovative set of maternity co-production resources, gap analysis tool, and good practice examples of both individual projects and coproduction as “business as usual” to support Trusts and LMNS’ in collaborating with service users and MVPs to improve local maternity services.
A co-production model 
The Coalition for Collaborative Care has developed a co-production model describing what co-production is along with five values and seven steps to make it happen.
Co-creation tools
The Co-Creating Welfare project has developed a toolkit of activities to facilitate effective co-production. The following are links to videos, handouts and worksheets explaining the seven different tools. They show how to carry out each activity and incorporate it into your work or training.
- The Q Sort Activity, which is an activity to experience collaborative work and collective problem formulation. Q sort handout
64kb| Q sort worksheet
- Role Play Activity, which is an activity to experience how to collect ideas and knowledge to solve a concrete challenge.
- Story Cubes Activity, which is an activity to experience the creation of common narratives related to a challenge or solution. Story cubes worksheet
- Fish Bowl Activity, which is an activity to experience collaborative problem solving. Fish Bowl worksheet
- Sticky Notes Activity, which is an activity to experience how to draw on the existing knowledge within a group
- Pecha Kucha Activity, which is a dynamic presentation method.
- The CUbe Activity, which is a method to support a creative brain storm activity. CUbe worksheet
You can read more about some of these co-creation methods and others in our blog about the Co-creation Summit.
National Maternity Voices and NHS England joint webinars
In 2019 National Maternity Voices put together webinars, co-created with NHS England and NHS Improvement, to help support Local Maternity Systems to co-produce their services with women and families through local, active and funded Maternity Voices Partnerships.