NHS England and Improvement Regional Service User Voice Reps are the main contact point between the Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) service user leadership team (e.g. Chair and Vice-chair) and the NHS regional team/Regional Maternity Transformation Board. They facilitate networking of MVP chairs and support the development of MVPs across the region. Some regions also have a multidisciplinary MVP strategic group and/or an annual regional development day. The NHS regional team will need to satisfy itself that MVP involvement in regional-level work is resourced either directly from the NHS regional team’s budget or by explicit inclusion in the MVPs local funding agreement.
Senior staff members of the MVP will have direct links to the regional chief midwife and lead obstetrician and can help to ensure they are informed about MVP priorities.
“Perinatal clinical quality is routinely reviewed at a regional level committee, ensuring that: There is a formal process for gathering insights from multiple partners including the LMS, neonatal ODNs, maternity clinical networks, Maternity Voices Partnerships chairs, CQC, NHS Resolution, HSIB, RCM, RCOG and where relevant, feedback from HEE, deaneries and coroners, providing the regional model with a helicopter view of perinatal clinical quality”