Contribute resources, examples or documents

Weā€™d like to include links to local MVP resources and documents that can be adapted for use in other areas. If you have examples of any of the following that are working well in your locality, please send them to us. Weā€™d ideally like to include resources from a range of MVPs at different stages of development. We would be interested in any of the following:

  • MVP budget
  • Business case (i.e. to request funding for the MVP)
  • Role descriptions (e.g. MVP chair, vice-chair, other service user roles, clinical rep)
  • Terms of reference
  • Conflict of interest policy
  • Equality and inclusion policy
  • Safeguarding policy
  • New member information pack
  • Online feedback form
  • Annual/multi-year workplan
  • Examples of communication and outreach aimed at widening participation (e.g. outreach to ethnic minority groups or to those living in deprived areas).
  • Examples of coproduction
  • Examples of coproduced local equity strategies or information about how MVPs are contributing to these

Thank you.

If you want to share files which aren't linked online, please email them to Thank you.