Useful Links

Under development. A few links that our team find useful to get you started though, and further suggestions from Kath Evans of NHS England.

  1. Where to begin – thinking about MVPs, co-design, and the role and impact of MVPs at local and regional level:

Fab Flo of #MatExp on  Maternity Voices Partnerships

We are proud #MatExp people! Laura from Bromley Maternity Voices talks #MatExp

Quality Improvement in services is our enthusiasm and we know that it MUST involve service users in co-design and co-production to be truly successful NHS Constitution & Co-design article

And NCT has gathered some excellent resources and case studies here.  Case studies on improving choice for women, supporting mental health, funding arrangements for Maternity Voices, and more!

Involving service users matters and has a rich and positive history in maternity – service users working as equals with far-sighted commissioners, midwives and doctors. We’re looking forward to sharing news and case studies through the network in coming months!

The London Clinical Network has published guidance to support commissioners in setting up and sustaining Maternity Voices Partnerships. It includes the statutory obligations for commissioners to consult with the public, case studies, resource templates and example business cases that have been developed within London LMSs but which can be used nationally.

2. Useful information and links suggested by Kath Evans, Experience of Care Lead, Maternity, Infants, Children & Young People, NHS England. Thanks Kath!

The Evidence base on why improving maternity experience deserves focus and examples of best practice

Ensuring the experiences of women who have learning difficulties/disabilities receive focus

Running collaborative workshops with the public to address maternity experiences

Themes from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Maternity Report

User Feedback on Maternity Services, report by the Kings Fund (2016)

NHS England’s participation guidance can be found on the Involvement Hub:

The success factors for effective involvement of patient leaders report

The King’s Fund have a toolkit on Experience-Based Co-Design

How to implement ‘ALWAYS’ events within an organisation to drive improvement

Further resources on ‘Nobody’s patient’ by Kingston NHS Trust addressing women who ‘fall through’ services e.g. those who use ITU, HDU, NICU or experience loss  and films for teaching purposes on how we can improve communication between health care professionals and women will follow soon.

Social Media is such a great asset to us!

Twitter is alive with Maternity Experience Activity, follow #MatExp and join the conversation, good follows are @WhoseShoes @WeMidwives @NatMatVoicesorg  @FWmaternity

Facebook Maternity Experience Pages are worth engaging with too to identify local maternity issues.


Email:    Twitter: @kathevans2