How can MVPs reach out to families from diverse communities in their local area? How can we support parents from these communities to share their experiences and ideas about improving services? In this webinar, we will hear about participatory appraisal, an outreach method which involves training service users as community researchers. These service users gather feedback from parents in their own communities, resulting in more honest, in-depth feedback than would be likely to be heard through other methods.
We invite both service users and staff to join us for this webinar to learn more about participatory appraisal and to consider whether and how MVPs might incorporate this into their work.
Contributors include:
- Emily Ahmed, Engagement Project Manager, North East London Commissioning Support Unit
- Aygul Ozdemir Kenar, Peer Researcher, BAME Voices
- Abuk Deng, University College London Hospital MVP Chair
The webinar is be chaired by Hannah Lynes, Acting Chair, National Maternity Voices.
Emily will share how she has used participatory appraisal to gather feedback to inform maternity services and how she envisages that MVPs could use this method. Abuk and Aygul will answer questions about their experience as participatory appraisal community researchers. Participants will then work together to reflect on whether their local MVPs might be interested in using participatory appraisal and what practical steps they could take to progress this.
This is the second in a series of webinars being co-created by National Maternity Voices and NHS England. View the webinar event Facebook page or carry on the conversation on this Facebook post.