Central Lancashire MVP has been involved in coproducing an induction of labour leaflet:
‘At an MVP meeting, we concluded that the current written information, given out to women who are considering induction, requires improvement- it needs to have a greater emphasis on ensuring women are given a full range of options. It should provide them with the evidence based information they need to make an informed decision on induction, as well as sign posting to independent organisations. It needs to be clear that women have the right to question what’s being recommended, the right to ask for evidence, the right to have sufficient time to investigate their options before deciding, and the right to say no if they choose to.
And, of course, to be fully supported by their midwife and obstetrician in making their informed decision!
We also decided the format of the written leaflet needs to be more user friendly, less wordy, and make use of info-graphics.
We’re going to continue the co-design of the induction information leaflet with the women who attended today and maternity services- hopefully we’ll have a fabulous new leaflet to show you soon!’
You can also see a video of the event hereĀ
(shared with permission)