Your Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) may decide to further develop outreach to a particular group who may otherwise be underrepresented or experience poorer outcomes. Some examples were featured at the 2021 Maternity and Neonatal Service User Voice Summit, co-hosted by NHS England and Improvement and National Maternity Voices (NMV). You can listen to the following presentations on the NMV web site:
- MVP projects to communicate with and better support Black and Asian birthing communities
- Lincolnshire Military Voices: an example of understanding local population
- Involving Dads and Partners in the work of MVPs
Your MVP may also link to specific awareness days or months and arrange communication or events to tie in e.g. Baby Loss Awareness Week, Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week or Black History Month. Providers will often be focusing on these events so can help link the MVP to useful content.