Here you will find information and guidance to set up and develop an effective Maternity Voices Partnership.
MVP Toolkit
Read our 2022 MVP Toolkit. This provides a summary of guidance and practice to support you with setting up, developing and maintaining your MVP. While some aspects may differ from guidance in the Three year Delivery Plan for Maternity and Neonatal services published in March 2023 and the Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership Guidance published in November 2023, you may still find the materials here useful.
Resources & templates
If you are looking for a particular document or resource, you may prefer to start from this list of all the resources that are linked to in the MVP Toolkit.
We are collating local MVP resources and documents that can be adapted for use in other areas on the Resource Bank on Future NHS. If you have examples that are working well in your locality, please send them to us via this form.
Joining an MVP
Volunteering to be part of a Maternity Voices Partnership is an important role where you can make a difference to local maternity care. Find out more about what is involved.
Co-production/Co-creation Resources
Maternity Voices Partnerships are the best way to institute co-production in maternity services with women and their families. Find out more about what co-production is and how to do it.