Barriers to Accessing Maternity Services Survey

Barriers to Accessing Maternity Services Image
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Following the announcement of our involvement in the Health and Wellbeing Alliance’s Maternity Consortium group last Summer and the launch of our Maternity Service User Register, we are keen to share our barriers survey (also embedded below – now closed).

This is part of our contribution to the Engaging with diverse communities to improve access to appropriate services for those at risk of poorer maternity outcomes”, project and we’re collating key themes from maternity experience feedback from MVP chairs and relevant organisations, about barriers to accessing maternity services, the impact of these, and good practices to address to address them. This will help to identify the gaps in the tools and resources needed to better address the key barriers we identify, and coproduce solutions with those at risk of poorer maternity outcomes.


Maternity Consortium (MC) leads for their tips about the survey:
Rachel Plachcinski (NMV’s Research Advisor, Patient and Public Involvement Consultant)
Kate Mulley (Director of Research, Education and Policy, Sands),
Kate Davis (Research, Policy and Information Director, Tommy’s)

NMV colleague for reviewing multiple drafts of the survey:
Louise Griew (Managing Director, National Maternity Voices)

National leads for discussing barriers to accessing maternity services with me or my MC colleagues, and thus contributing to shaping the survey:
– Wendy Olayiwola (National Maternity Lead for Equality, NHSE/I)
– Professor Marian Knight (MBRRACE-UK lead researcher)
– Professor Jane Sandall (Head of Midwifery Research, NHSE/I)

Nova Network MVP Chair colleagues for reviewing a draft of the survey  and giving feedback from their experiences as service users and service user reps:
– Corrine
– Agnes Agyepong (Guys & St Thomas)
– Chaya Tagore (Bath & NE Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire)
– Omar Campbell (Kings)
– Zenab Barry (Chelsea and Westminster, Chair of NMV’s Council)

Return to NMV in Health and Wellbeing Alliance update page for update blogs and other ways to get involved.