Barriers to Accessing Maternity Services Survey

Return to NMV in Health and Wellbeing Alliance updates page for update blogs and other ways to get involved.

Following the announcement of our involvement in the Health and Wellbeing Alliance’s Maternity Consortium group last Summer and the launch of our Maternity Service User Register, we are keen to share our barriers survey (also embedded below – now closed).

Continue reading “Barriers to Accessing Maternity Services Survey”

National Maternity Voices’ Maternity Service User Register

Last summer, we announced our involvement with the Health and Wellbeing Alliance’s Maternity Consortium.

As part of our contribution to the Consortium’s project, Engaging with diverse communities to improve access to appropriate services for those at risk of poorer maternity outcomes”, we’re pleased to share our service user register with you.

We are currently prioritizing those from ethnic minority backgrounds, and those who live/work/volunteer in postcodes that fall within the last two most deprived deciles for signup to the register.

Return to NMV in Health and Wellbeing Alliance updates page for update blogs and other ways to get involved. 

Annual Report for April 2020 – March 2021

The National Maternity Voices (NMV) continues onwards after another challenging year. We coproduced our first virtual service user event user event with NHS England / Improvement earlier in March, amongst many other achievements. We are now delighted to share our second annual report from April 2020 to March 2021 with you.

A detailed snapshot of our contributions to reducing maternity health inequalities through our work of supporting, networking, and representing MVP chairs. We hope you find it insightful, as we continue our work towards the best outcomes for each and everyone who uses local maternity services.

NMV’s response to CQC’s Maternity Report

National Maternity Voices’ response to the Care Quality Commission’s report, “Safety, Equity and Engagement in Maternity Services

We welcome the focus that this CQC report brings to the role of Maternity Voices Partnerships in promoting safer and more equitable maternity services. 

Maternity Voices Partnerships have huge potential to drive improvement in maternity services, by bringing together service users from diverse ethnic and social backgrounds to work collaboratively with staff who commission and provide the service. Continue reading “NMV’s response to CQC’s Maternity Report”

NMV in the Health and Wellbeing Alliance

National Maternity Voices (NMV) is pleased to announce that we are part of the Maternity Consortium led by Tommy’s and Sands, alongside the Pregnancy and Baby Charities Network (PBCN) and community organisations: Five X More CIC, Muslim Women’s Network UK and LGBT Mummies Tribe. The Consortium is one of the 18 Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) groups that have been selected to be part of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance (HWA) Continue reading “NMV in the Health and Wellbeing Alliance”

Maternity & Neonatal Service User Voice Summit: 11 March 2021

National Maternity Voices (NMV) and NHS England and Improvement (NHSE/I) co-hosted the Maternity & Neonatal Service User Voice Summit on Thursday 11 March 2021. The event was held virtually on Teams to showcase some of the amazing work Maternity Voices Partnerships (MVPs) chairs and Service User Voice (SUV) reps have led or been involved in, in the last year, locally, regionally, and nationally. Continue reading “Maternity & Neonatal Service User Voice Summit: 11 March 2021”

Annual Report for April 2019 – March 2020

From our early beginning in December 2016, the National Maternity Voices (NMV) has come a very long away. And despite the challenges of this year, unforeseen at our first service user event user event earlier in March, we are thankful that we have been able to continue working towards our objectives. One of this is the completion and publication of our annual report from April 2019 to March 2020, which we are now delighted to share with you.

It has taken hours of passion, effort, heart, and mind to put together; a capture of so much co-designing and co-production. We trust that you will find it a useful read, as we continue to work towards shaping our maternity service to deliver the best outcome for each and everyone who uses it.

National Maternity Voices CIC Report for April 2019 – March 2020

From our early beginning in December 2016, the National Maternity Voices (NMV) has come a very long away. And despite the challenges of this year, unforeseen at our first service user event user event earlier in March, we are thankful that we have been able to continue working towards our objectives. Continue reading “National Maternity Voices CIC Report for April 2019 – March 2020”